Wednesday, February 3, 2016

What Women want men to know about women Part 2.

I believe when Adam saw Eve it was instant love. Out of all of the things,
animals and insects he looked upon , he quickly realized that this great creation
was for him and him alone! It's not written how long Adam was alone,but when
 Eve came on the scene Adam's world changed forever.  

When a man finds "The One" his world changes. I was speaking to a young man recently and he asked me how is it that I only had eyes for my wife when there are so many other women out there. I explained to him that when you fall in love, no one other woman will be able at that moment to get your attention like the love of your heart does.

This young man temporarily move away leaving his girlfriend. After
about three weeks of keeping in touch with her, he told me how right I was.

"No other girl could get my attention regardless how pretty she was, I just kept thinking about my girlfriend, and how much I missed her!" He move back to the town she's in and they are together today.

Every woman want to feel attractive, period! Every woman want to be loved, she want to be desired and cherished. She want to cared for and she must know that she comes first in her man's heart.

Remember this "Every woman want's a man who treats her heart as his own and never let her go to bed with tears in her eyes!" ~ A. Khurana

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