A young man just met a young lady and felt that she was THE ONE, and when I say "young man" I mean he's younger than me ( he's in his 40s). He told me how well they got along and just how well they clicked, he was very excited.
I listened, and after he had finished his declaration of the new found Love Of His Life, I told him this: "Well that's nice. I'm happy that you found someone you can share your life with" I asked him "Is she a keeper?" he said with enthusiasm "YES!!!" I then said, " Well, the real measure of how well you two will get along is how you handle your arguments." A week later he came to see me...." Man, this woman got attitude!" Me: What woman? Him: The girl I'm dating! Me: What happened? Him: well man, you know we had a misunderstanding, and she got a nasty attitude with me, I ain't got time for this!
They were angry at each other over a miscommunication. And of course, I reminded him of what I mentioned to him a week earlier. In relationships, it's not the good times that make the relationship: It's going through the disagreements while remaining friends, lovers, and each other biggest support. Everyone get's angry, EVERYONE! (Yeah I'm talking to you church folk!)
Getting angry is normal, it's human, but how one handles their anger toward their husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend will determine the eventual success or failure of the relationship, so my advice is simply this: It's ok to be angry, just DON'T BE STUPID!
If you know you are a " Hot head" or, like me, have "Hair trigger, rapid fire, one-liner comebacks" or one of those wanna just throw something across a room type, it's imperative that you first understand that yielding to your emotions during times of anger can cause irrevocable damage. It's vital to comprehend that stepping away gives you time to think, to reflect on being introspective.
Understanding yourself helps with personal growth and the by-product will also affect your relationships in a positive manner. There's a Greek maxim; "Know thyself" (Socrates) In my opinion knowing and understanding yourself is even more important than knowing your mate. The reason I say this is because when you have an understanding of yourself, it is easier to work on understanding your mate, your girlfriend or boyfriend. You'll put yourself in the position to avoid doing or saying something that can ruin the relationship.
So take the time to understand yourself, take the time to know and understand the love of your life and remember, it's ok to be angry....just don't be stupid!